
While you are reading this, Ukraine continues to defend against Russian aggression. Calling All to Help

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PO Box 221, Palatine, IL 60078

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+1 (224) 334-1624

Support Nonprofits, Volunteer Groups, & Hospitals in Ukraine

Families and Refugees

Provide humanitarian aid, basic essentials needed for survival, like water, food, clothing, medicine to families, children, elderly, refugees, and others in need.

Ukraine Military & Territorial Defense

Provide life-saving aid to soldiers, including personal protective equipment such as first aid kits, tourniquets, helmets, and safety vests.

Medical Help

We work with multiple hospitals and medical groups in Ukraine to help with medical needs for Ukrainian citizens and soldiers impacted by the invasion. 

Economic Development

Enabling economic development in Ukraine will help Ukrainians rebuild and create sustainable life.


Help Ukraine

Safe + Easy Donations

Help Ukraine Today for a better Tomorrow!

Help Ukraine Volunteers sends donations directly to Ukrainian families, children, elderly, refugees, non-profits, hospitals, and various volunteer groups. Many Ukrainians fled large cities and are seeking refuge in rural areas. We are able to reach people in need in remote areas of Ukraine where large organizations don’t send aid to. Our network includes vetted and trusted organizations and volunteers.


Food for Families and Elderly

Help Ukraine Volunteers supports multiple nonprofits, volunteer groups, and companies around Ukraine to provide food and water to Ukrainian families, refugees, and elderly in need due to invasion.

Become a Volunteer and help us

Help Ukraine Volunteers supports multiple nonprofits, volunteer grups, and companies around Ukraine to provide food and water to Ukrainian families, refugees, and elderly in need due to invasion.

Evacuate Children and Families

Help Ukraine Volunteers supports multiple nonprofits, volunteer grups, and companies around Ukraine to provide food and water to Ukrainian families, refugees, and elderly in need due to invasion.
Become a Donor

Why We Need You

Transparency with your donations

We post pictures of where your donations are going on our Instagram Help Ukraine Volunteers. Follow us to see how your donations are making an impact in Ukraine.

We support trusted Ukrainian nonprofits, hospitals, and volunteer groups

As Ukrainian-Americans, we have a network of trusted and vetted Ukrainian nonprofits, hospitals and volunteer groups that let us provide help where it is needed most. Through our network we are able to send donation and help those in large cities like Kyiv and those in rural areas where large organization don’t operate.

We’re quick and nimble

We are able to disburse donations quickly, efficiently and safely to those in need. We have a network of trusted organization and volunteers that allow us to send donations as quickly as they are received. We are able to get help to hospitals, families, refugees, elderly, trusted nonprofits and volunteer groups.

Create impact

Your donations create an immediate impact for the families, refugees and volunteers. Your donations enable families to purchase groceries, medicine, and necessities even if they are staying in remote regions. Your donations enable volunteers to cook or purchase and deliver food for elderly and others who are in need and unable to get food on their own.